
No matter the season we always got your processing needs covered.We have a state inspected processing facility that processes domestic livestock daily. We can process your animal for your own consumption or private label for resale (i.e. sell to farmer’s markets). We process wild game year round. Whether it’s a field dressed white tail or frozen meat from last year, we can process it the way you want it. YOUR deer. YOUR meat. All our work is done in single batches to guarantee our customers are receiving their deer back. Give us a call today!

Wiatrek’s Domestic Processing Price List

  • Freezer Wrap - $1.19 lb dress wt
    Double Freezer Wrap - $1.29 lb dress wt
    Vacuum Seal - $1.59 lb dress wt
    Resale Label - $1.69 lb dress wt

  • Curing - $1.00 lb
    Pan/Breakfast Sausage - $1.00 lb
    Ring Sausage - $1.25 lb
    Chorizo - $1.25 lb
    Beef Patty Making - $.75 lb

  • Up to 599# Dressed Weight - $50
    500-699# Dressed Weight - $60
    700-799# Dressed Weight - $75
    800-899# Dressed Weight - $100
    900-999# Dressed Weight - $125
    1000# over Dressed Weight - $150
    Hide Return to Customer - $35

  • Per Hog - $50

  • Per Lamb/Goat - $30
    With Head - $35

Wiatrek’s wild game Processing Price List

  • Deer - $20
    Deer Shoulder Mount - $30
    Wild Hog - $15

  • Boning, grinding, stew, steaks, roasts - $1.29 lb

  • Wiatrek’s provides pork:

    Ring Sausage (Fresh or Smoked) - $3.49 lb
    Dry Sausage - $4.49 lb
    Snack Sticks - $4.99 lb
    Salami - $4.19 lb
    Pan Sausage - $3.19 lb
    Chorizo/Breakfast - $3.29 lb

  • Customer brings in deer & pork.

    Ring Sausage (Fresh or Smoked) - $2.49 lb
    Dry Sausage - $2.99 lb
    Salami - $2.99 lb
    Pan Sausage - $1.89 lb
    Chorizo/Breakfast Sausage - $2.09 lb

  • Cure, smoke, slice & wrap - $1.40

  • Cheese Added (1# cheese per 10# meat) - $5.29 lb
    Jalapeño Added - $1.99 lb

  • Sausage Casings - $25/bag (makes 100#)
    Salami Casings - $2.50 (per 10#)